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[x] What Hitler Did
[x] Why Japan went to war
[x] Anti-Japanese movement
[x] Reasons for the Defeat of the British
[x] How did the Japanese Occupation change the lives of people in Singapore
[x] Life after the war

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

How did World War II Affect Singapore?

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What Hilter did:

Formed a Nazi party
Became chancellor of Germany
Used secret police and propaganda
Made speeches to move people
Created jobs
Restored military strength

Meanwhile at Mussolini and Italy...

Got ready for war
Made weapons & created jobs
Formed fascist party
Used secret police and propaganda too

Dictatorship in Germany

Tight control by leader:
Supported "One leader'' programme
Controlled whatever was published in newspapers, magazines
Controlled what was taught in school
Arrested anyone who opposed the leader

Modernisation of Japan:

Wanted to be rich and powerful like the West

New form of government
Changes in schools; industries trade
Modernised army and navy

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Why Japan went to war:

Wanted more resources and power

Singapore's reaction to Japan's ambitions:

Started an anti-japanese movement
Boycott of the Japanese
Contributions Towards China's War Efforts
Demonstrations against the Japanese
Volunteers for China

Built a naval base
Needed warships back in Europe
Sent only a small fleet to Singapore

Reasons for the defeat of the British:
-Britian was fighting another war in Europe and North Africa.
-They underestimated the Japan.
-Japanese were also better trained in jungle warfare.
-Japan was stronger in military warfare too.

a picture of a what a British soldier would look like in the past

How did the Japanese Occupation change the lives of the people in Singapore?

-Singapore renamed as "Syonan-to''
-British and Europeans taken as POWs
-Lived in fear and punishment
-Shortage of food and health conditions

Sufferings of the locals
-Hunger pangs
-Hard labour
-Building of the Death Railway

Life after the war!
-Post-war reconstruction
-Shortage of food, water, electricity
-Overcrowding and unhygenic conditions

What the British did
Set up a provisional government
Took care of Singapore's problems
Cleared the harbor to let ships transporting foodstuffs enter the port
Rationed amount of food given to each person
Constructed flats
Cleared mines and shipwrecks in seas

Written History at 5:20 AM